I am a painter of landscapes, of both the inner, intimate and personal landscape, and of the outer world that envelops us all — sky, clouds, trees, leaves and flowers, rocks, rivers and oceans — that in an intense 54-year working life, I was often too busy to see.
This photo is what the camera saw.
This painting is what my inner eye saw.
I am not a painter recreating photographs.
I interpret them as paintings.
My paintings are created to live in light, be an interplay of light and shadow, bright and intense, textures and patterns and shape. They merge strong bold strokes of individualistic colours with sculpted, three-dimensional images, so that the painting changes from morning to night, glowing as the light illuminates or casts into shadows these sculpted, layered images.
My hope is that every time someone looks at one of my paintings, that person will smile, experience its energy, hear the leaves rustling and dancing, the waters rushing, the bird singing, be in that moment, share my vision. Experience the joy in my heart.
My inner eye
Eye of the camera